Day 5 - Your Dreams.

Okay now I don't really have the idea of which dreams I am gonna talk about. Should it be in general, or should I specify which one?

I guess I'll do it in whatever way.

Dear dreams,

I don't think I am going to achieve you whenever soon. It's still a long way to go. Even, I myself am not sure whether I have pictured you clear enough. I mean what should I chase first and what comes after that and so on.

Seeing other people leading their life just exactly how they wanted it to be, scares me to death. I am scared, if we're not gonna meet at all.

But one saying has stopped me from thinking that we're drifting apart. It's from my mom. She said something like this,

"In your life, pace is not really a measurement of how successful you are. Because fate doesn't count how fast you could complete your own life, it counts on how you make it to life."

Brilliant, isn't it?

So, no matter how hard it is to reach to you, just be there, because one day, we're celebrating the joy of me getting to you, together.

Oh, p/s: One of my dreams is to perform umrah with my family, that one, please make it come faster. Next year, perhaps? Please?

Syafawati Khairunnisa

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