There's a reason why God invented pain.

"Could it be worse?" - Coldplay, Fix You

This song has never failed to remind me there's always something to hold onto whenever you feel like your life is on the edge. There's always something.

I always believe the theory of letting things go for its own good is actually giving them a chance to come back to us. No matter in what way they might come back. Because in the end, we all get what we deserve. No matter how hard life beats you, no matter how worse your journey ends up, and no matter how difficult people treat you, if you take those as chances to fix your own life, believe me, you have nothing to complain about in the next 20 years.

I know it's easy to say things when you don't feel the pain, but learn to play strong all along, you'll get used to it, sooner or later.

If you believe in qada' and qadar, you'll realize there's always hikmah behind every plan, then redha will become more ikhlas, and God will show you the way, InsyaAllah.

This post is for some of my closest friends, some of them are having a hard time at this particular moment. Should they know, there's always a reward for their patience.

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