He, who must not be named.

Hanging out with old crush, ahem?

Yesterday I went to Bukit Jalil, to look for them Skinheads, oh Skinheads are damn sexy, manggg. So yes, I went there for Perhimpunan Skuter Kebangsaan. So with intention of sightseeing, and catching up with friends, so me, Ajie and Nora went there. There were my friends bringing their Vespa(s) from Johor. One of them is my cousin's ex, and one of them is my OLD CRUSH.

Hanging out with this man brings back memories. His girlfriend used to attack me on FB for fuck's sake. I guess I shouldn't randomly tell any occupied guy that I like him next time.

There's something different in this guy. Not like any other lad. Oh, apart from keep forgetting to delete my text messages in his phone and his SUPER OLD girlfriend happened to find out about it, he's darn cool. Not shallow and vain like any other guy, he's down to earth. He's my movie boyfriend, he's there when I need a person to talk to, and he's yeah, he got that super sexy belly I die!

But no, we only meant to be friends.
Even seeing him sends butterflies in my stomach.

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