Pity pity pity lonely men.

And fun fact number one, all are Malay.
Fun fact number two, the first guy is in early teenage desire, the second is probably having middle life crisis, and the third, I've met him, he is a friend of Sheima, 29 years old adult who probably own a stack of porn collection.

Diversity of age in sexual perversion surprises me.
I feel like chopping dicks into tiny little pieces.


blankpagewithalphabets said...

I love this post.

Odd eyh? How come no chinese of Indian, or others put comments like that?
and ouh! If u planned on chopping off the dicks..dont forget to invite me.. I'll sharpen my knife while waiting..ehehe..

Syfa Nisa M said...

Be my guest, my lady.

What makes it worse is the second guy, who I thought sebaya with my mother, left a comment like that. Pity.

Let's chop chop chop!