The depression was killed by the perfect nutters, I am now fineee!

A bunch of 24 hours happy people and shitty life: A perfect balance.

Being depressed somehow introduces you to distortion.

I am difficult, that can’t be denied. But as I talked to my friends last night, I come with one conclusion;

Everyone lacks in very different ways no matter how perfect they think they are.

I talked so much but later got me thinking, our perception towards others somehow blinded by our own reasoning and feelings. The more we question about others, the more we reveal our weaknesses. That’s what I believe so far.

There’s always rationale behind every difficulty faced by people. To live with it, people have no choice other than to accept it as their disadvantage. Hence, we are shaped by our own perspective towards our disadvantages in order to suit our life around people. People play their role, to like or to hate, but in the end it is us who are going to deal with it.

Let’s make my condition as an example,
I am disturbed, I really am. But I don’t go complicate other people’s life, at least out of my awareness. I have issues with myself, so do other people. But to act like a total fucked up and live like that until you terrorize other people’s life is just not my thing. I’d rather pretend to be okay to suit with the situation than sit there quietly and make faces until people get annoyed. But once I am alone, everything gets crappy. So that’s my weakness, and I desperately need other people to understand that’s another life I am living in without having them to judge it.

With the hope that nobody would ever question about it.

That’s what I meant by being an individual unit.
You are allowed to listen to other people’s screw-ups but do not judge. The right is not yours. Because it sucks to actually realize the judgment you make is the punishment you summon to yourself, in its own way. We punish ourselves by being judgmental without even realize we’re doing the same, to ourfuckingselves.

The thing is, I still cannot see any connection in this writing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh syapa, aku mahu buat comment mengundang ni...

Okay ehem ehem... 1.. 2.. go.

Saya tak suka befriend with-a-little-girl-yang-kuat-sentap. I only deal with adults.

(Yes, ini merupakan fasa aku disturb DAN mengganggu hidup orang lain.) HAHAHA

Sebab aku feeling-feeling overprotective nak menjaga hati kau, lantas aku perlu overreact.

Methodology overreact aku haruslah berlandaskan kematangan budak perempuan berusia 11 tahun.

Sebab kalau umur 12 tahun sudah baligh dan tetek sudah menumbuh. Time tu dada aku sudah start bengkak-bengkak.

*Disturb tak aku weh?

p/s: Woi pa, minggu depan licinkan dusun shiema zomba.. Aku cop daging monyet ngan konek lembu jiran sebelah. Slurp, lapar. Aku puasa dari sekarang.