I miss my undergrad life.

I admit that I wasn't really a good student back then, be it in high school, or even during undergraduate studies. I am definitely not smart, nor that I am stupid, and I'm not even really hard working when it comes to studying.

But then, I guess I was really lucky enough to get fine grades, even some good ones.

I was super lazy, still am now. Skipped classes constantly, often got low marks for midterm exams, zero commitments given in doing group assignment, below than average in terms of presentation skills.

I was that low.

But what is my formula to get good grades?

Yes, know your strategies.

Which here means, I know when to concentrate on my revision even if its only hours from the real exam, I know when to get serious in order to absorb the whole semester in. I'm the type of student who can only focus in the last minute, so for me, attending class for the whole semester is a boring thing especially with the boring lecturers.

I did it out of respect towards the teacher, as well as for the sake of attendance system.

But I absolutely enjoyed the class that is full of discussions, instead of full boring lessons. I still remember, there were some classes during my undergraduate studies that I enjoyed so much, even though I hate the subjects. I still love those lecturers.

So yeah, the only time I can absorb is when I played 'teacher' during last discussion with Ain and Raihana.

What I'm saying is, no, I don't have intention to brag or anything, but you have to know your own strength in studying, then you'll ace well. Some may beg to differ, they have their own way, and their way is rather effective, but it really depends on the individual capabilities when it comes to studying. Really.

But yes, I'm still super duper thankful to my lecturers. For the rest of my life.

And I'm fine with people who don't really focus in their study, as long as the outcome of it is something really worth to be proud of, and the effort of getting it is something that should be paid off.

Because I believe studying is an individual skill.

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