Right when I need it.

"Berimanlah walaupun kita tahu itu susah terjadi, karena dalam hati kita punya sepotong kecil harapan bahwa suatu hari nanti itu akan terjadi."
Arlanda Ghazali Langitan, one of The Changcuters guitarists

Because I really think that life is based on belief you have in yourself,
as well as faith you have in the Person up there.

"...be brave, funny and creative; to be more than just a shell."
Gabrielle Solis, one of the characters in Desperate Housewives

Because I really think that it is okay if no one notices you,
as long as you realize that it is actually what makes you stand out.

These two quotes came in right when I need it.
One right after I followed him on Twitter.
Another one when I was finishing my subtitle translation.

Right when I'm searching for the real connection to prove that life has two sides.
One that is already inside you.
Another one is for you to look out.

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