I'm always in need of more casually serious conversations.

I was chatting with Adik last night early in the morning (how dat, yo?) when suddenly ‘achievement’ popped out in our discussion out of nowhere.

While he said he wants to work hard and save money and enjoy every cent he deserves to spend, I slowly build my own thinking. Well I think everyone thinks like what he is thinking, including me. Who doesn’t want to be rich, you kidding me? But I might want to adjust the word ‘enjoy’ there a little bit.

For me, being rich is one thing, but not everything. I am still fine if I’m not going to be rich for the rest of my life. Not that I am okay with being poor, but you know, I’m fine if I can’t splurge myself with things that are going to cost me fortune. I’m fine with the idea of having enough to live this life just like normal people do. Yes, I just don’t mind not being rich. What I have now, is basically enough.

Of course I get jealous with friends who can get almost everything they want in their life. But no, spending money on something that won’t last a lifetime, that’s just not me. You can ask my friends, I don’t buy expensive things, I don’t eat expensive food, I don’t live a high living standard. Yes, even if I have money to do so.

Clothes that I’m wearing cost me no more than 10 bucks, for heaven’s sake.

I care more about meaning of life. I care more about what I have and others don’t. That sentence sounds really vain, but what I mean is I care about unfortunate people who actually deserve to be happy like me, but they don’t have a chance to feel the same. I care about what is not enough for me, and for them.

Well some people do mock me when I talk about this, but I don’t give a damn because I bet none of them care about simple details in their life while I do acknowledge every tiny little thing happened in my life.

For example, a call for my mother everyday.

Or maybe, an ‘Assalamualaikum’ for a cleaner lady.

Better yet, a smile for everyone I see when I’m on my way to class.

I know not everything matters in our life, but what’s the point living a life if it’s always about us? Being busy looking for something to make a life is important, yes. But why not looking for the sake of doing something to other people around you? And of course, life is not about pleasing others but you’ll get what I mean with the ability to reach self-satisfaction when you do good things for others.

I’m fine with the Adik’s idea just now, don’t get me wrong. But I personally think that I might want to put that idea aside from me myself, and proceed with searching for real meaning of life thing.

I want to do something that is beneficial for me, and also others. I want to give something to people so it can change their life.

I love my life; I want everyone else to feel the same way towards their life, too. And that’s a real achievement. May Allah open a way, InsyaAllah.

Oh yes, I can't wait to go back to KL tomorrow


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