Well, seems like I'm bored already with those walking machines.

I secretly don't believe in matchmaking.
Yes, that just came out of nowhere.

But I don't want to talk about that today.
Or maybe I don't want to talk about that anymore. We'll see how.
The idea of waiting for love to come is just a crap now.
I'm sick of repeating the same thing, to the same people that I disgust myself to the core.

So yes, today's rambling is about comfort circle.
You know that sometimes when you see someone, let's say someone you know,
is doing fine, still able to laugh, looks happy enough,
you feel happy too you tend to overdo it,
ended up you making it as medium to feel good about yourself.

And the stupidest thing about that is,
we never realize.
Seriously, never.

Oh ya, congratulations to Kak Faiz and Abang Hairi on their engagement last Sunday. A step to beautiful marriage with bless. InsyaAllah. Amin.

1 comment:

Hairi Tahir said...

thanks syapa. doakan kami. insyallah bila tiba harinya kami khabarkan.