Not serious, so?

The power of stupid jokes.

That is actually a very manipulative headline.

I was brought up not to show anger in front of other people. Except when I am too mad, there'd be certain people whom I'll burst my anger to. I don't go showing it up to random people, let alone making scene in public.

I was also brought up in the environment of giving advice in between jokes. My family, especially my aunts, they have this one weird way of giving advice between jokes and laughs. It is sometimes hurtful like hell, because it often goes straight to your face, but yet, most of the time, it is effective I tell you.

That is why people often see me joking, and not taking things seriously.

Because I believe there's no point showing people your harshness and what will they do, they'll make fun of you behind your back.

I want to be taken seriously, but you know, what's life without playing fool a little bit?

I do joke around and basically say stupid things like all the time, and I pick those who I want to be serious with. I joke because I want to avoid awkwardness, I joke because I don't want people to feel uncomfortable with me. Yeah I know sometimes my jokes do make people feel awkward and uncomfortable, but oh well.

But, being a joker doesn't mean I don't know the limit.

I don't joke with people I think I shouldn't have jokes with, and I don't joke with people I don't think would appreciate that behavior of mine.
Let alone being playful to people who don't like me.

So yes, if you couldn't find a moment of me being serious, you should already know our level of relationship.

Because I don't need to show people my brain, my feelings and my inner side. It is not even worth it.

I'd like to believe this, that I haven't finished proving things to myself, why should I even bother to show things to other people?

It is as simple as that.

This is not part of the topic, but I just realized one thing after almost six years, not having a boyfriend makes your phone a track player only. Only. Sedih to the max.

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