Islam vs Muslims

First of all, I am not going to put any references in this post, relating to the topic that I am going to discuss here. Not that I am scared I am going to be smashed back, but I believe it is good not to point my finger to people, which happens to be my topic for today.

I am a God's servant who is full of wrongs myself, arrogant, and ignorant. Therefore, I am not the right person to value the verdict.

This is actually a matter pertaining to Muslims, and their ineffective ways of preaching. I've seen a lot of Muslims, regardless of their level of piousness, failed to preach or counsel other Muslims appropriately, in terms of verbal communication, as well as body language. Especially us Malays.

For example,

"Sesiapa yang memakai _______, sesungguhnya ianya kelihatan sungguh jijik dan hina seperti perempuan ________ . "

And as for body language, almost all of us have once, maybe more, received this one kind of special look from other people, especially from people who dressed well enough to be understood as religious people.

Things like that.

Sure everyone has own stance, and my stance is, I know I commit sins, everyday, but are you sure enough that kind of preach would direct me to the right path, or at least help me to change myself to be a better person? I don't think so.

Why would this kind of people try to offer faith when they failed to portray the faith that they have in other Muslims? Maybe some of you would claim, positive efforts have been done long time before, they just didn't give positive feedbacks, but now the same question again, will this kind of efforts help?

I don't know, I don't see this helping, not even a bit. It would just bring up prejudices, fitnah, as well as false judgments.

Look at this two examples;

I went to the most Islamic University in Malaysia for my undergraduate studies, there are so many rules that are amended based on Islamic rules, such as covering aurah and all that. The ones that were caught breaking the rules, are going to be compounded, worst, expelled.

I have friends who can be considered as "near" to the religion, but never judge me for what I am, yes, they never failed to fulfill their responsibility to preach me, it is their patience and faith that actually counts.

And yes, friends of mine are the ones who have hit me with the bigger impact in changing lanes, not the authoritative rules themselves, in a good way, anyways. Expected? I am only a normal human being.

I don't feel violated as a Muslim, because I admit I myself am vile to my own religion, but it is sad seeing this because it forces me to feel scared of other fellow Muslims, not Allah S.W.T Himself.

However, it is human nature to blame. I myself blame people for things that have affected me. But no, I do blame them with good level of judgment, not stupidity. Yes, God balance us through our deeds and akhlak, but He never forgets to balance us all, regardless our level of iman, no one can escape.

Don't get me wrong here, this has nothing to do with politics. That, is just bullshit.

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