Try blending the sound of your surrounding and your heartbeat.

I've listened to the Under Cover of Darkness already, boy I just love these guys till the day I die. I've been listening to them since I was 15, damn they're brilliant. Yes, you can call me lame because they are so common right now for all I care. Deep down I know you love them too much you can't even stand other people liking them too.

Pagi-pagi dah emo.

So nothing much, anyways. I've been staying in Batu Pahat for one week straight, I just can't wait to get out of here. Not that I hate my own home. It's just I don't have friends here. Not even one. I don't know with whom I want to hang out with, no, not my parents. I need puffs when I am hanging out, man. I can die like this.

Why all of sudden I sounded like freaking Negro here?

Discovered uninvited reader(s) just now. Been kepoh-ing about that on Twitter. Why? Because the reader came from the place that surprised me. Of all places, haih la. Okay, so Alyaa (I really wish this girl to be my sister. Sister-in-law. Or any kind of sister she could be) and I, we've been discussing about who it might be. I don't know, I am just curious. Hek hek. Okay, I should stop typing that hek hek, it is disgusting.

Oh, the purpose I'm writing this post is, looking at several evidences and proofs just now, now I believe, some people are just born lucky. Lucky they don't have to think about how lucky they are. It that really promised to them? How about the rest? Which I am really convinced just left clueless and confused. What about them?

Not that I am questioning anything, I am one lucky girl myself. But who says life ain't fairy tale? It is, for the love of God. Yes, in the middle of the way we might face something, but along the way, do all the hardships really knock ourselves down? I don't think we even realize that. At the end of the day, we'll just find ways to escape. Always like that.

Some of you might not get that, nonetheless, I don't know how to explain it anyways.

Speaking of luck, one of us above is tying the knot at the end of next month. I am having nervous breakdown myself. Life is getting scarier, everyone is settling down, getting married, having babies. And I am horrified. I might run to overseas if I don't get married in five years time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeahhh maybe your jodoh is oversea