Hang dok kalut laki hang oghang kebaih sangat pasaipa?

The purpose of this post is not to downgrade women, I am a woman myself.

But seriously, don't you girls have something else to do?
I know there's plenty of boyfriend snatchers out there who's waiting for the right time to snatch your loved one, but for the love of God, there's no need to feel insecure. No need to feel scared all the time.

Girls do know that they have their own code, which is called Chick Code. Or maybe it is not really a real code, but somehow we do have knowledge about that. You know, the ethics among us girls.

But what makes us girls look stupid, is when we fool ourselves by being overprotective on our boyfriend, (the term 'our' is not really correct actually, I don't have any) and being ridiculously crazy towards other girls.

I mean, seriously, come on.

Well maybe you can say your boyfriend is so hot, all girls would go naked and chase your boyfriend every time they see him. You see, I can't afford to deny that some girls might do that.

But believe me, other girls got class, too.

Has it ever crossed your mind if what you're scared of the most, well, happened, don't you think that it is actually, maybe part of it, or large part of it can really be your boyfriend's fault?

Like I said, try to multitask, bring your boobs around, but don't leave your brain behind.

And one more thing, pointing out people's weaknesses somehow shows to the world that you yourself are full of it. No, that is not how we girls roll. If a girl is being bitchy, others don't follow, they don't even laugh at it too. They leave.

School girl attitude is so 2000 years ago. Please. Bluargh.

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