Nobody's not perfect.

I have learned something today. You think you're nothing, but you are actually perfect for someone else. I learned this from a lyric, not sure who's singing it. Any help?

I asked Sheima,
"Are you happy right now?"

She said,
"No. Obviously."

I said,
"Right? Like life is empty. Why aren't we happy? Why am I not happy?"

It ended with sigh, just like that. I was about to say "Because I am not perfect?" but it just happened to cross my brain, I don't know why can't I put them into utterance.

But yes, I see Sheima as a perfect woman. Of course. There's a lot of things to put into counts if you ask me what makes me consider she's perfect. I just can't explain why. But she will deny this. I know.

The point I am trying to make here is, I see her as perfect, but she doesn't see herself the way I see her. And it happens to everyone else.

I think the phrase "Nobody's perfect" should be abolished. Because everyone is perfect. Their imperfections make them perfect.

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