Today is not today, today is exactly The Day!

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them to people's eyes, in a proper, well-mannered way.

Never get frustrated if your outcome is not accepted by people around you. Don't feel bad if your idea is rejected. When it happens, throw more. Because, the more you dig, the more you'll get.

Today, for the whole 8 hours of working, (for the first time) my ideas have been rejected. Three times. With respect. So, I took an alternative, to brainstorm again, with the help of people around me. And I've sent my last chance to my boss. I really hope he will consider it. Right before the internal review which will be on this becoming Monday. I am scared, because I'm still under consideration.

I am creative, but not as creative as creative people are. Surrounded by experienced people, it holds my creativity back. I feel inferior, because one time, we're in discussion. I was the greenest staff there, (I still am) threw as many ideas as I can, but all was rejected, (though they seemed interested to discuss them further,) due to the limitation from the brand itself, and at one point, I stopped. Because I was confused. I wasn't familiar with the DNA of the brand. But I believe, there're always adjustments to be made. So I kept learning, until one time, my supervisor (which happened to ask whether I am gay last few days, cis.) said,

"You are full of ideas, but they are scattered around, you need to polish them, systematically."

Gotta push myself further, sharpen my creative skills, polish them up, because I want to be in the highest ranking of the most successful conceptual vernacular writer, in Malaysia.And I shall quote what the Executive Creative Director said to me, few months ago,

"Syafa, go kick ass, you now are allowed to do that!"

But, it feels really good as fuck,

when you see adverts you have worked on, even only on it's script or wording or we called it copy, come out on air, whenever you see them on TV, heard on radio, as well as see them printed-ly displayed.Damn good, I tell you. It made my day. The whole fucking day.

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