Maturity is not a phase where you're open to blame.

First, this might be a sensitive issue, but yeah, like I care. I'm not going to mention names, so let's see if Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Media Malaysia is going to call me again.

Isn't it supposed to be, we, the servant of our God, breath on this earth, with full humbleness, and fear to our own Maker?

I shouldn't have asked this question, because I am myself, full of wrongs. And I am myself, often neglect my responsibilities.

But, there's always a but.

Shouldn't it be, you, a person who never skip prayers, never depict (is it the right word? I don't care, English doesn't matter in this particular matter) aurah, never abandon religion,

shut the hell up about others?

Let me ask one question, does your religion (our religion) promise you superiority so you can abuse (in any form) other people? THE HELL I DON'T THINK SO.

Yes, maybe you're pious enough, but to judge people who are religiously flawed, it makes you less pious, just so you know. To judge is one thing, to point out to people's face with disgust, is another thing. I wonder if you have the power to see people's faith, you may claim it like this,

"You have no faith, I can see it from your clothes."

That's bullshit. After all you've done, in front of my eyes, you are nothing, in fact, you are just low.

Oh, I wonder if you're still reading my blog, if yes, show this to your Mum, this post is written for her. Please, thank you.

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