Mungkin aku tidak akan berpeluang untuk mandi junub.


Weekend was so productive.

1. Went to PD to see my parents with The Crazies. We spent one night there.
2. Participated in Poetry Cup with Hazeman as a duo. We won the third prize.

But it's not what I wanted to talk about.

One of my friends told me one thing, the night we're celebrating our winning.

He said, something like this, during our talk about things, particularly about me,

"Pa, based on my observation, the reason why guys never think about making you their special one is probably because they're too comfortable whenever they're with you. You're every-guy's-best-friend; you're the funny guy in the group. So guys don't see you as a girl they want to be with as their partner, but more as their close friend."

I am deadly frustrated. Because I thought guys would go for funniness. Because I thought guys would aware although I love jokes and love to make one, I am not a clown. Because I thought guys would at least know I have feelings too.

I am deadly frustrated. Because he's so fucking right.

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