adab menegur

Stranger: "Nak jadi apa ni? Nama sedap tapi baju gagal."

Syapa: "Susah hati ke?"

Stranger: "Mau nye idak saket mate teman, pape pun teman paham.. bla bla bla"

Okay, lets talk about adab tegur menegur between us human being.
As one girl raised with Malay norms, I am fine with hints, teguran, and advices from older people. But somehow I believe everything should be done appropriately.

There is nothing wrong with people, telling other people about where should people lead their life to. But using the right approach would really be helpful. And I believe it is affective. Looking at exhibit A above,

Yeah, it helps. Not. And I can't stop myself from laughing at certain ntahapehape-ness of grown up adults.

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