tegas kan aku?

While blog-hopping and wall-stalking, something came across my mind where I am actually don't mind losing all the joy, fun, and happiness a person could enjoy in this world if it will bring tears later in my sleep.

And I've been living like this since years ago.

And yeah, things were hard at first, when I have to adapt the situation of being alone, literally, technically and figuratively. But later I realized, it wasn't so hard to survive. People come and go, and whoever managed to stay will be locked in my heart until the end of time. It is as simple as that.

So, if you think somehow I act like shit, and all of sudden stop doing things that we love to do together, bear in mind that I have a very fragile heart, I'd rather lose you than losing myself.


Because I can't compromise with PAIN. I suppose you are aware of that.

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