A headlight.

Still don't have time to write updates about Ijat's engagement (malas nak upload gambar sebenarnya), but I am feeling so excited I'm going back to KL tomorrow and prepare for my first trip with best friends to Bandung, I need to write about something.

People, do know this.

Not all can accept us no matter how perfect/good/pretty/fine we think we are.
It's just a rule of nature.

And for that, you might want to change anything you think you're lack of.

But for me, I'll just stay the way I am.
I don't get the idea of following people's idea about us, if you know what I mean.
I just don't.
I mean there's no point making people feel good about me when I don't even feel good about myself.
So it's best to let them with their fucking acceptances, just continue rolling.

Someone, 3 days ago, said something to me. It goes something like this,

"Why don't you put on some makeups, and wear something nice, change the way you look and sure you'll get a boyfriend."

Holy mother of crap.

I believe those guys who don't like me hell because of my appearance, won't change their mind even if I wear makeups like a drag queen. Okay so appearances really matter to some people, but no, I don't want people to like me because the way I dress, because behind the thick layer of my done-face, no one would really see the real me. Cliche, I know. But yeah, cliche is the new rare.

No, just don't change yourself for the sake of the desperation wanting people to see you. It is pathetic. It is fine if people don't like you because the way you look, let alone because of your physical looks, because among them, you'll find people who love you the way you are, you imperfections.

Because nobody is perfect. Like the 'someone' I just mentioned above, sangat cantik, tapi tu lah.

Oh, this is of course not to bad behaviors lah kan. Jangan ingat gua rebel tak menentu hala.

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