Bitch Beat

So okay, some people are really really selfish, the only thing they care about is how to save their own ass. So lets say, when you're trapped in one situation, particularly not a good one, which clearly caused by you,

you, as referring to this kind of people, have the tendency to twist back the stories, just to make sure you are not the one who should be blame. And then, blame other people like it's not their fault. The hell is happening to people nowadays?

I don't know, this must be some kind of desperation.

I don't have time to enjoy this kind of entertainment. Seriously, I am allergic to Drama. Please. If you want to find something you want to play with, please don't choose fire you'll end up burnt. If you are an emotional/disturbed person, please believe they are millions of less-fortunates in this world compared to you. If you think living around me would only cause mess, please get the hell out of here.

I never give a damn about other people who'd never give any damn about me.

Oh please, I envy you... NOT. No I don't want your boyfriend neither I want anything from you.

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