If I were to write a letter to 16 years old me, it would go something like this;

Dear 16 years old me,

You’re doing fine in study. It’s a right decision to change school because your teacher didn’t allow you to drop certain subjects. Add Math is such a jerk, I know. You probably need it in your future, but this is 23 years old you talking, believe me, you can survive without it. It’s just numbers, come on. You still can have fun without it.

I know you’re into boy stuff, sneakers, t-shirts and so on. But try to put on heels sometimes; it’s to train your posture, to train you to walk elegantly, to help you getting into the ladies mood. Because in the next 10 years, you’ll be walking on earth in flats only, and that would be frustrating, because heels in 10 years to come are going to kill your heart, because they’re so gorgeous, and because you can’t afford to walk in them.

Just because boys pass you because you look like them, (refer to the second paragraph if you don’t get what I mean, and yes, you’re not that pretty) don’t bother to dream about getting a boyfriend when you get older. Yes, as you grow older, you’ll turn a little feminine, and you’ll see, boys will pass you for the same reason. I mean, you'll still look like them, yes, by being feminine, because they do the same.

Keep all piercings you have, don’t ever lose them. Keep all your ripped jeans, (if you believe you can still fit in those), stupid band t-shirts or whatever it is, it satisfies you because people can still see how trashy you are. Because when you get older, 23 years old specifically, you won’t have the same courage to look like a rebel, just like you are now. You’ll dress accordingly, because it’s a demand from everybody else around you. And that ain’t cool.

Quit smoking, please, please, please. Yes, a box of ciggies now is only, how much? RM 3.50? Something like that? The price is getting higher, bitch. I pay 10 bucks in 2010 just to repeat the same mistake you did. You’ll give up other stuff, by the way, so no worries.

Be ready, you’ll lose people you love eventually. And friendships are changing. You’ll meet good people, bad people along the way. Try not to fall for them. And believe this; nobody can be in the same boat with you, because you can only rock and row it alone.

Lastly, try to strengthen your Faith, please. God loves you. Do not ever think Ibu and Ayah hate you (I know you do), you’ll see their pure love just right after you finished reading this. Stop being such an asshole.

Other than that, knowing our own capacity, you’re good, you’re good.


23 years old you.

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