This post is specially written for one of my fellow friends, letting her know that I love her, even though we're not like super duper best friends, but yeah, I care about her. A lot. She's 2 years younger than me, younger than all of us, she's our little sister.

I cried while reading her blog. Seriously.

While everyone is happy with changes in their life, I can't imagine how is she with hers.

I can't feel what is it like, I totally can't. Because it is too painful.

NR, you know I am nowhere but here. You know I am willing to share the pain, though you might think it is too personal to share with other people.

But do believe,
I know you care a lot about me, you ask me questions no one bother to ask whenever we're in your car.
I know you care a lot about me, you say nasty things about me, never behind my back but in front of my face.

So, who am I to play cool when you think you are at the lowest point of your life?

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