
Finally I'll end the unemployed phase. Soon.

The job is as a copywriter, who put hands on creative works such as writing scripts for TV and Radio commercials as well as printed advertisements, translating the commercials' languages and so on.

An endless thanks to Lye, if not because of her, I might not have this chance. I promise to work hard.

And of course my superbestfriends and my sisters(I shall not name you, because you know who you are) for helping me with the assignments, also for countless support. And for friends who shared their luck with me, the person up there will pay you. I believe that. And I owe you guys my life.

Rasa nak menangis bila kenangkan budi kawan-kawan. Sumpah.


"Kalau ada rezeki Adik, maka ada ah rezeki Ibu and Ayah." That is for sure.

Gila post aku macam menang award kan?


FARYN said...

congratessss :)
kerja elok2 ok..

Syfa Nisa M said...

okay, terima kasih FARYN.

misyun said...

wah. dpt keje dah!
congratz syapa =D

Syfa Nisa M said...

thanks yun! :)

FARYN said...

eh..ko keja mccan?
waaaa..welcome to advertising world :)kalau ko dah start keje,maybe jumaat ni kita boleh jumpa kat MSA event ...

Syfa Nisa M said...

oh Faryn kau di dalam dunia itu?

FARYNNNNN, tolong aku kerana aku tidak tahu apa kejadah pun tentang advertising, tidak pernah belajar apa apa pun tentang advertising, jadi aku perlu seorang guru.

Dan, belum mula kerja lagi. Tunggu diorang confirm tarikh. :)

FARYN said...
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